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The Flagg Family

George Flagg's House

George A. Flagg was the son of Levi Flagg and was born on June 14, 1855, in Boylston Massachusetts. George went to public school in Boylston and started working in the fields around the same age as his father, Levi, had started. He worked on the family farm that Levi owned for three years after his schooling ended. Like Levi, he bought his own farm in Boylston and was involved in the cattle exchange business. George was also involved in a slaughterhouse, cider mill, and wood cutting businesses.1 Moreover, George had invested heavily in local electric railways companies.2 To the right is an image of a house George owned but did not live in when the Wachusett Reservoir was formed.

George Flagg House

1Bruce Filgate, Boylston Historical Series, no. 1-14 (Boylston: The Boylston Historical Society, 2012).

2Ellery Bicknell Crane, Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Worcester County, Massachusetts: With a History of Worcester Society of Antiquity.