Herman Kanis
Herman Kanis' House
Herman Kanis was born in Germany in 1848. Later in life, Herman married Christiana Whilhemina who was born in Germany in 1853. In wedlock, Herman and Christiana had two kids Otto and Frank.1
Herman purchased his Boylston home from Luther Hastings, Luther had lived there with his sister Mary Ann. However, neither of them ever married and the property was put up for sale. The estate was known as the Timothy Fay Hastings Farm when Herman purchased the land. While Luther lived on the property, a child tragically drowned in the well.2 Christiana died in 1905 and Herman took his own life in 1913.3

1“Herman Frank Kanis,” Find A Grave.
2Bruce Filgate, Boylston Historical Series, no. 1-14 (Boylston: The Boylston Historical Society, 2012).