Persis Andrews
Persis Andrews' House
Persis Andrews was a prominent landowner in the Nashua River Valley area. She owned land in Clinton as well as Boylston, including a 30-acre plot with her house and barns on it.1 Like many people who were displaced by the reservoir, Persis Andrews’ family had lived in the area for multiple generations. Her father passed down the house that he had built to her; the same house in which she had resided since she was 6 years old.2
Being forced to move and watch your family home be destroyed was an emotional blow to Persis as it was to many others.
“It seems hard to me. I don't like to think about it, but I suppose I shall have to do the same as the rest. When I go down into the cellar and see the big stores in the wall, which father rolled into place with his own hands, it makes me feel sad to think that the house will be destroyed.”3

1Carrie Crane, n.d. “The Taking of Sawyer’s Mills,” 3.
2Bruce Filgate, Boylston Historical Series, no. 1-14 (Boylston: The Boylston Historical Society, 2012).